
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” ~ T. S. Elliot

Spartan Shape-Up, Day 91:

I am happy to report that I'm really back on track, BlogLand. I'm feeling awesome (it was a good day all around, more or less), and physically I feel pretty good - minus the wee foot injury that is still nagging.

It was supposed to be a Run Day for me today, but there's the nagging foot thing. It seems to be on the mend, and it's feeling 'okay'... and I probably could've run on it. However, my logical brain says that one more day of ibuprofen, ice and rest is probably the right answer - particularly because I want to be in tip-top shape in about a week and a half (*gulp* 5k!).

So, in lieu of a run, I decided to go for something also of the cardio-evil nature - so it's Swing Day!

Here's the WOD: (with a 25# t-handle, and 2, 22# DB's)

  • Warm up: 5 min jump rope (only stopped once!)
  • Tabata T-handle swings: 9 rounds
  • Thrusters: 6 reps x 8 sets
Short and sweet (ha!). But let me tell you, I've come to conclude if you do the swing series right (as in you swing hard for 20 seconds, then rest for ONLY 10 seconds), you are really sweating and heart pumping by the end. I use a timer to keep myself on track. Also, this time, I upped the weight on my t-handle (it could be more like 26-27#, but you get the idea), which caused me to be able to do less swings per 20 seconds (only about 15, rather than the usual 17-18), so I think that was definitely a good move. It was time to make it harder. 

Thrusters are everyone's favorite for the same reason. Sweaty and heart pumping in a short amount of time. I keep the 'rest' between sets as minimal as possible (less than 20 sec), to keep the intensity as high as possible.  And, again, I think I'm doing something right, because by the last set, I am WORKING to get those damn DB's over my head and my ass out of a squat. Yikes.

That said, I have no philosophic revelations for tonight, or anything important to say. OH, wait, I do!
So, I'm thinking of taking some 'before' pictures. Really, they'd be like 'mid way' pictures, but they're really the beginning of where it's going to get interesting. The last year and a half doesn't need any documentation. I have the picture that started the whole avalanche and realization process.... and I think now, as I get into my real training, is a good time to start taking progress pictures. Although, geesh, that is a daunting feeling. No one ever really wants to document stuff like that.... but it's true, I think to be able to look back on it will be a good thing. Maybe I can get a friend to take some of me this weekend. Not sure I'll be up to posting them, Blogland (no one needs to see that, at this point!), but I'll be sure to report in. 

OH, and tomorrow I get paid and OFFICIALLY buy my 5K race entry!!! EEEE!!!

Sleep well everyone, and get ready to get up and chase down your goals tomorrow!

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