
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney

Spartan Shape-Up, Day 133:

Ahhh, another O'Dark Thirty CrossFit morning, BlogLand. Strangest thing happened this morning... I was really tired (hadn't slept much), and really wanted to stay in bed. Then I thought about missing CF, and I was like, "Awww... " because I generally enjoy it. And I am growing to enjoy the people, too. There is one (I'm sure she's super human and/or bionic) chick in my class, that keeps asking me about Spartan Race and how my training is going, etc... That's pretty cool. I am definitely a socially inclined person... having a "community" around me is important. The created community piece has really set the CF gym apart from the "regular" gym I used to go to. I like it MUCH better.

Anyway, onto today's fun... First, it's Day 1 of the 100 Burpee challenge. Basically, Day 1 = 1 Burpee, Day 2 = 2 Burpees, Day 100 = 100 Burpees. I got out of bed, did my obligatory burpee before I even put my contacts in and away I went. Incidentally, the "wide stance" tip that my CF teacher gave me REALLY helps. I suppose, depending on who you talk to, it may not be "technically" correct, but I'm still doing the same motion, just more efficiently. That makes sense to me. Plus, it allows me to bust out more without wanting to die. I am tucking this away in the back of my brain for Spartan Race penalty burpees... hehe

Onto the Warm Up: 21-15-9....... (21 of everything, then 15, etc.)
  • Superman's 
  • Walking lunge
  • Burpees (Yep! More Burpees!)

Next, we moved onto Strength/Skill:
  • Split Jerk: 5-5-5-5 (20, 40, 50, 60#)
Like my problem a couple of weeks ago, I have no frame of reference for how heavy I could/should do these. Therefore, I had to start out light and work up. (Plus, my CF teacher is of the cautious sort, since I haven't been with CF long, even though I've been lifting regularly... grr.). Anyway, the net result of this nifty little move is that I figured out that 60# is way too light for me. I may not be in crazy good shape, but having a burly sort of capacity for weight-moving activities runs in the family. I swear. See here, my Great Grandfather, Louis Cyr - The Strongest Man in the World! 
I would like to note, for the record, that my 91 year old grandmother still flips her own mattress, when the spirit moves her. We have strength in our DNA, I'm sure of it. 

Incidentally, I will say that I feel a little ridiculous doing this move, and quite often think, "SUPASTAR!" when I do it... but, I suppose that that is neither here nor there. ;-)

ANYWAY... Onto the Main Event:

Workout:Partner WOD - One Person Works While the Other "Rests"....... (please note the "" on Rests...)
  • 25 Wall Balls (10#) / Mt. Climbers (2 Count = 1 Rep)
  • 25 Pull-Ups / Double-Unders (or 3 Singles = 1 Rep)
  • 25 Good Mornings (45#) / Sit-Ups
  • 25 KB Squat Cleans (16#) / Push-Ups (knees)
* Partners perform both movements then move on
* Record time as well as "resting" reps

Yeah, it was an interesting WOD. Mountain Climbers suck in the same way that burpees do, though. My partner was pretty cool, and she and I are at relatively the same place/pace, so it kept me moving. It was quite a cycle of movements, and by the last things - I ended up doing KB Squat Cleans last, I was moving a bit slower (my hamstrings were beginning to go jelly from the Good Mornings...), but got that business done, nonetheless. I will say, as an aside, that it was a weird sensation to randomly have just my hamstring quiver while I was trying to stretch, later on.
The finish time for my partner and I was just over 12 minutes (within a minute or so of most everyone in class), and our total rep count (between both of us) was 280 - right in line with the rest of the class. Woot! It makes me feel better to at least be in the same realm as the "regulars".

That said, I'm pretty tired. Tomorrow morning is a straight up, no-holds-barred run morning. The Goal: Run 5K (3.12mi) without stopping. At all. My guest GT from a few weeks ago is keeping tabs on me, and threatened another Crack O' Dawn workout, if I don't hit that target. Physically, there should be no reason that I can't do it at this point... just struggling to get the brain (and subsequent body) on board with that thought.

HOWEVER, Exciting news! This weekend I'm running the 5K Santa Suit run near me, to benefit the local chapter of the Make a Wish foundation. THEN, the following weekend, I'm making a crazy day trip to Massachusetts to run another 5K; only this time, it looks like I'll get to run with my esteemed GT, as well as (finally) meet at least one of the Spartan Chicks that I've "met" thanks to the wonders of the internet. (Have you checked out Ms. FitBee's Blog, yet?!) Good times! What's this "race fever" I keep hearing so much about....?

And now, to get ready tomorrow's morning smoothie (mmm... raspberry with greek yogurt and flaxseed!), and SLEEP.

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